Salary in advance

​​This scheme enables salary-transferred customers (public or accredited companies from private sectors) to withdraw their salaries or part of it in advance, thus providing extra income to customers to meet urgent needs.

  • Interest rate 18% calculated on the maximum daily balance.
  • Overdraft amount is up to JOD 5000.

  • Applicants to be fully eligible with a good reputation and track record.
  • Applicants not to be blacklisted.
  • Minimum age for the applicant should not be less than 21 years old.
  • Maximum age of the applicant at loan maturity is 60 years old with the exception of social security retirees, military and civil retirees, the maximum age at loan maturity is 70 years old at loan maturity​.
  • Minimum length of service should not be less than 6 months for public sector, 12 months for private sector.
  • At Least one-month salary should be transferred to the bank.
  • Minimum monthly net salary should not be less than JOD 200 for public sector and JOD 300 for private sector from the bank’s accredited companies list.
  • Minimum limit is JOD 50 for public and private sectors.
  • Undertaking of salary transfer