Compliance Corporate Governance

​​​​​​​​​​​​​Corporate governance is the manner in which management is directed by the board of directors, and executive management which includes setting the objectives and strategies that attain those objectives and monitoring performance of the bank. Corporate Governance holds special importance in banks due to the fact that most of the financial resources used in bank activities are those of depositors and investors, therefore this entails the bank and its subsidiaries to maintain a good reputation and of a high level of depositors and investors trust in its performance.

Compliance Corporate Governance ​​​​​
​Compliance Corporate Governance (Arabic) ​
Management of Information and Related Technology Governance Manual​​​
AML Policy
​AML Questionn​aire
​USA Patriot ​​Act Certification
​GIIN numb​ers per FATCA requirements
​W-8BEN-E Form - ABC Jordan
W-8BEN-E F​​​orm - ABC Investments ​ ​
​Shareholdere​s Relation (Arabic)​​​
​​Analysis of the bank's share ​​​​​​​​​performance for ​the year 2024​​ (Arabic)
​​​​Analysis of the bank's share ​​​​​​​​​performance for the year 2023​​ (Arabic)
​​Analysis of the bank's share ​​​​​​​​​performance for the year 2022​​ (Arabic)
Analysis of the bank's share ​​​​​​​​​performance for the year 2021​ (Arabic)​
​​ Analysis of the bank's share ​​​​​​​​​performance for the year 2020​ (Arabic)
​Analysis of the bank's share performance for the year 2019​​ (Arabic)
​​Analysis of the bank's share performance for the year 2018 (Arabic)​
​Analysis of the​​ bank's share performance for the year 2017 (Arabic)​
Bank ABC Jordan’s Vendor Code of Conduct ​

Minutes of General Meetings

​​​ ​​Annual General Meeti​ng Min​utes (Arabic)
​​ ​​Annual General Meeti​ng Min​utes (Arabic)
​​Annual General Meeting Minutes (Arabic)​
​​Annual General Meeting Minutes (Arabic)​
​​​​Annual General Meeting Minutes (Arabic)​2020
​​Annual General Meeting Minutes (Arabic)​ ​​​​
​Extraordinary General Meeting Minutes (Arabic)​ 2018​
​Annual General Meeting Minutes (Arabic) ​2018
​Annual General Meeting Minutes (Arabic)​ 2017​​