Prepaid Cards

Prepaid card (E –Shopping)

​​​​It’s a prepaid card that can be used for shopping online through the internet, in addition to cash withdrawals and purchase through P.O.S (Points of Sale).

  • Primary card is offered to bank’s clients. 
  • Supplementary card is offered to the following: 
    • First degree family member (Spouse, father, mother, son an​d daughter) including minors.
    • Employees working at legal entities. 
    • Employees working at companies.

  • The card enables its’ holder to shop online, withdraw cash through ATMs locally and internationally, and pay purchases through P.O.S (Points of Sale) available locally and internationally.​
  • ​National and worldwide acceptance.
  • The card is equipped with a smart chip that offers higher level of security.
  • Max. charge/re-charge amount is up to JOD 7000 for primary or supplementary card. 
  • Rechargeable at all Bank ABC’s branches, or through ABC Digital Banking ABC Digital​​
  • Maximum daily cash withdrawal up to 95% of the available balance nationally and worldwide (4 transactions maximum or JOD 2000 / per day, whichever is achieved first).
  • Maximum point of sale (P.O.S.) transactions amount can go up to the full available card balance nationally and worldwide (maximum 20 transactions / per day). 
  • The card offers online shopping through 3-D Secure service that enables secured online payments, every time the customer uses the card on a website that has the 3-D Secure.
    • The customer will receive a one-time password (OTP) which will be sent to his/her mobile number registered with the bank.
    • For more details about 3-D Secure terms and conditions, please visit the following link: 3-D Secure Service Terms and Conditions. 
  • The main account owner can issue a maximum of 5 supplementary cards.
  • The card can be used in the traditional payment method, through which the customer is requested to insert the card in the merchants’ POS devices and enter the PIN number in addition to the untraditional contactless method of payment, which allows the cardholder to pay, simply by tapping the card over the POS machine and without a PIN up to (JOD 300) daily or its equivalence in other currencies, given that the maximum amount for a single transaction is (JOD 100) or its equivalence in other currencies, noting that the maximum daily contactless payment transaction limit (JOD 300) is refreshed after performing any transaction with PIN, regardless whether the transaction was contact or contactless.
  • In case of card loss, please inform the bank by calling the call center on (06-5100010) or through ABC Digital​​ Banking.​

  • Available for Bank ABC customers upon request.
  • Approval of authorized transactions depends on the availability of credit balances.

 Fees and commissions apply (Tariffs and Charges)

  Required documents

Signed prepaid card application, in addition to the terms and conditions of this service.