Bank ABC wins the Trophy for Social Commitment



On the occasion of the International Women's Day celebrated on March 8 of each year, the Maghreb Women magazine organized the 1st edition of the "Social Commitment Trophy" in the financial sector, for the year 2022 and this, in order to:

  • Reward companies that have distinguished themselves in terms of gender equality, particularly in terms of integrating the theme into corporate strategy and culture, in corporate communication, as well as the feminization of bodies leaders.
  • Allow companies to position themselves as important players in achieving gender equality in the workplace.
  • Offer companies the opportunity to share and discuss best practices in this area.

Bank ABC participated in this program by answering a detailed evaluation grid on its practices in terms of parity and professional equality and it was selected and nominated by the Jury for the reception of the "Professional Parity Trophy" which took place on March 8, 2023, at the Africa Hotel in Tunis.

This trophy rewards the actions of Bank ABC in terms of quality of life at work and in particular the values of the bank in terms of parity, equal professional opportunity, diversity, and inclusion.

“It is a great honor to receive the “Social Commitment Trophy” given the nobility of the values it embodies, and I take this opportunity to thank the Maghreb Women team for this fair evaluation process. I offer this trophy to my brave collaborators for their membership and their strong belonging to Bank ABC Tunisia”, Mr. Saber Ayadi, CEO Bank ABC in Tunisia.



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