ABC Labs

​​​​In 2019, Bank ABC set up the Group Innovation Function to accelerate the Bank’s digital transformation and foster a more agile work culture. A space in the Head Office called ABC Labs with associated services and capabilities was inaugurated in November 2019.

ABC Labs (or the Lab) is dedicated to encouraging business ideation and fostering a culture of creativity and innovation across the Group. It has attracted ‘best-in-breed’ industry talent and harbours an environment that facilitates collaboration, experimentation and development of new business models, markets, processes, and solutions.  

The dedicated enterprise innovation function is focused on building digital capabilities to solve customer pain points and deliver effortless experiences, shifting business models and supporting the digital optimisation and transformation of the Bank. It also endeavours to capture innovation opportunities, embed innovation management in the culture and increase employee engagement in the innovation process.​

Our initiatives stem from the following internal and external drivers

Internal drivers
Enabling business growth.
Increasing agility and efficiency.
Improving organisational skillset.
Strengthening brand equity.
External drivers
Making business with us easier.
Making us more advisory.
Making our products & services simpler.

Some of ABC Labs main activities are​

Serving as an open physical and virtual space for internal teams to get together and collaborate in developing new business ideas.

Facilitating interaction between internal and external teams, including FinTech’s, Clients and Partners for activities such as ideation, problem-solving and design sprints.

Acting as a catalyst for innovation within the Group, i.e., a central location for proof of concepts testing and demos to internal clients, external clients, partners, regulators, etc.

Hosting innovation-centric events such as talks, workshops, exhibitions, innovation challenges, hackathons, etc.

Being an incubation centre for teams working on innovative initiatives our banking processes.

Spearheading transformation across the Bank and beyond

The various initiatives undertaken by ABC Labs are closely linked to the Bank’s strategic focus to build an intelligent “Bank of the Future”. These include:

Revolutionising customer service in the region through an emotionally intelligent, digital human agent, with autonomous movements and facial expressions- ‘Fatema’.
Establishing the digital architecture and agile work methodology to future-proof the Bank and deliver client-centric experiences.​
Hosting Group-wide innovation challenges to generate impactful business ideas and optimise existing processes.
Organising the digital webinar series “Talks @ ABC Labs” that hosts partners, FinTech and innovation experts to discuss digitisation trends and further the conversation around enterprise innovation.
Driving digital innovation in financial services, e.g., establishing Finhub973, the region’s first comprehensive digital fintech lab, in collaboration with the Central Bank of Bahrain and other strategic partners.
Pioneering a landmark pilot programme in collaboration with the Central Bank of Bahrain and J.P. Morgan to facilitate blockchain-based cross-border payments.​


Key Achievements
