As part of a promotional campaign, Bank ABC Spa, located at 38 Boulevard des Frères Bouadou, Bir Mourad Rais, Algiers, is organizing a competition by drawing lots in the form of a raffle bearing the slogan “save and win”, which will take place between February 11, 2024, launch date and October 10, 2024, closing date.
Article 01: Conditions of participation
Participation in the “Save and Win” Raffle is open to any Bank ABC customer holding a private account (checking or savings account) opened before September 30, 2024.
Article 02: Exclusion
All employees of the following entity are excluded from the game:
In the event of a violation of the provisions of this article, Bank ABC Spa reserves the right to cancel the draw and award another winner drawn at random.
Article 03: Participation and Principle of the game
The principle of the game consists of funding your account (check or savings) with a minimum amount of 150 000.00 DZD (one hundred and fifty thousand Algerian dinars and 00 Cts) during the subscription period (from 02/11/2024 to 20/12/2024) in New cash (Deposit fees) in one of the Bank ABC branches. The customer must maintain this minimum balance until the date of the draw.
A list of all customers with the aforementioned condition is given to General Management for the drawing of one (01) winner under the supervision of a bailiff.
The dates of the draw are: Sunday June 30, 2024 and Thursday October 10, 2024
Article 0 4: Prize to be won
The prize to be won is a check of 2,000,000 Algerian dinars.
Article 05: Liability of Bank ABC Spa
Bank ABC Spa declines all liability concerning prejudicial facts, direct or indirect, immediate or future damages, whatever their nature and the circumstances in which they occurred as a result of participation and/or the attribution of the winnings. awarded as part of the “Save and win” raffle
It is established that Bank ABC Spa does not issue any guarantee of any nature whatsoever with regard to the winnings awarded. It is further established that it is in no way responsible for the use of said winnings, for any fact, of whatever nature, directly or indirectly linked to said use.
Article 06: Validity of participation
Opening a particular account (checking or savings) with Bank ABC and funded with the predefined amount, entitles this customer to a single participation and therefore a single draw slip and the possibility of winning the car.
The validity of the participation is included between the account opening date and 04/25/2024 for the first draw and between the account opening date and 09/30/2024 for the second draw and obeying the condition defined above.
Article 07: Winner information
The winner will be informed of his winning by telephone and/or on our social media accounts.
By participating in the game, the winner accepts and irrevocably authorizes Bank ABC Spa to use without any remuneration or restriction, its name and image and identity, for advertising purposes for the benefit of the Bank ABC brand and to submit accordingly and willingly to all the sessions required for the preparation of the various advertising materials. (Photos, press publications, social networks) (Appendix 01)
Article 08: Acceptance of the regulations
Participation in this game implies pure and simple acceptance of the terms and principles of these regulations.
Except in cases of force majeure, Bank ABC reserves the right to suspend, extend, postpone, shorten, modify or cancel the game subject to these regulations without notice.
Participants in this game cannot hold Bank ABC Spa responsible for any damage of any nature whatsoever that may result directly or indirectly from their participation in the game.
Article 09: Determination of winners and delivery of the prize
The bailiff will ensure the legality and conformity of the draw.
The draw can be manual or digital.
The check delivery operation will be carried out at the General Management level or any other location determined by the Bank in the presence of a Bank representative.
The winner will receive the check in person or by presenting an official document (power of attorney issued by a notary), in the case of a minor, the winning is given to his legal guardian.
Article 10: Deadline for claiming gain and cases of impediment
After the draw, the winner will have thirty (30) days to collect his check from the day of the call or the posting of the winner's name on the Bank's social media accounts.
After this time, the winner loses his right to acquire the gift and the check will be given to the second person drawn at random.
The check is accepted by the winner, as described, without possibility of substitution, transformation or exchange.
Article 11: Disclaimer
The winner has the right to withdraw or offer the vehicle to a third person of their choice.
Article 12: Deposit of regulations
These regulations are filed with the bailiff, Maître Boudina Hadjira, whose office is located at Cité 384 LOGEMENT Bt 22 N°03 SAID HAMDINE BIR MOURAD RAIS , province of Algiers
Article 13: Applicable law and attribution of jurisdiction
These regulations are subject to Algerian law.
In the absence of an amicable agreement, the court of Bir Mourad Rais will have sole jurisdiction to resolve any dispute resulting from the execution or interpretation of these regulations.