
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​A Holistic, Evolutionary & Collaborative Approach to Sustainability

Bank ABC’s global footprint has led to a deep recognition of the immense global challenge posed by climate change to our environment, society and economy. These environmental pressures are fast accelerating and creating significant physical, financial, legal and societal impacts. Bank ABC has responded to the challenge by elevating sustainability as a strategic priority. 

A comprehensive sustainability strategy has been set out to not only mitigate the risks but also capture the growth opportunities, ensuring that the Bank serves as part of the solution and plays a pivotal role in supporting its customers and communities to successfully manage the transition to an inclusive, low-carbon economy.

The Sustainability Strategy is fully aligned with the Group’s overall strategy, allowing them to pull in the same direction and generate the greatest impact. Embedding sustainability within the Bank ensures that we are able to reduce our environmental footprint and are ‘fit for purpose’ by remaining relevant to our customers. The strategy has been deliberately structured to be a source of value creation through greater efficiency, innovation, and revenues. Implementation of the sustainability strategy and delivery on its objectives will ensure the Bank is strategically positioned to support its clients and provide innovative solutions to allow them to successfully deliver their own transition strategies.



Bank ABC is committed to maintaining a governance structure that allows for the effective Board oversight of the sustainability strategy implementation, which includes a robust reporting line, with clear targets and KPIs, enabling the Bank to monitor progress and success. A strong governance structure is the cornerstone of Bank ABC’s efforts to support a just transition to a more sustainable, low-carbon economy that is equitable for employees, communities and the environment.


The Bank is making good progress in measuring, managing and reporting the environmental impact of its operations and supply chain. We have defined the baseline of greenhouse gas emissions, energy, water and waste use across our operational footprint and are adopting strategic measures to reduce this impact.

Human Capital Management

At Bank ABC, we recognize that employees are our most valuable asset, and remain committed to upholding a just and inclusive work environment, with purpose-driven careers that offer opportunities for self-development and professional growth. The Bank adopts a progressive approach to human resource management and endeavors to strengthen it further to be the employer of choice across its network.

Risk Management

As Climate change, being a unique phenomenon and driver of risks, can have economic and operational impacts and can increase the severity of other risks, Bank ABC is strengthening and widening our approach to measure, manage and report on environmental risk. This captures both climate risk and nature/biodiversity loss.

Financing the Transition

The financial sector has a critical role to play in supporting the global economy in its transition to a more sustainable, low carbon economy. It is estimated that at least US$3-5 trillion of additional investment each year through to 2050 is required. We recognize our important role in supporting our customers to successfully deliver on their own transition journey.

Community Investment & Socio-Economic Development

Bank ABC recognizes its role in contributing to the sustainable development of local communities across its network. The earthquake that struck Turkey and Syria on 6th February 2023 was a stark reminder of this responsibility and the fragility of communities in the face of nature’s devastating force. In response, Bank ABC announced a US$2mn donation, in support of the relief efforts in the affected areas.

​​​Group Su​stainability Disclosures Report 2023

Sustainable Finance Framework – Second Party Opinion

Sustainability Reports

Sustainable Finance Framework